Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Time. What time it is doesn't matter here. A clock is only a circle with two hands crossing or a box with four random glowing letters. Time is just a word used by the government and means as much as the word "schedule" or "meeting" to them--which is also nothing.

Time fades fast as the sun rises and slowly as the sun sets. Time disappears behind smiles and frowns. It drowns under the cries of anguish from a mother watching her children as they die from starvation, as well as the songs of thanksgiving from those who rejoice because of the salvation freely given them.

Time as we know it matters not, but maybe if we give time a different definition, we can relate to one another in a down-to-earth way that connects our souls as it breaks down the boundaries of culture, race, and stereotype.

Time is: laughing, crying, hoping, praying, seeking. Time is a hundred salty tears blending with the dirt below the knees of one who begs for mercy. Time is the shooting star following its course through the dark night as a sweaty, bloodied soldier lives through another sleepless night. Time is a group of busybody Americans settings aside their busybody lives for a few hours to worship Jesus. Time is a tribe of Africans meeting when the shadows fade to dance around a campfire and share ancient tales and daily burdens. Time is a little girl twirling in a twirly dress while her parents clap their hands in delight. Time is a hand to hold, a song to sing, a story to share, a love to pray, a hope to rejoice over, a Love that's better than life.

When we redefine Time, suddenly we realize we have something to live for; we truly have a Love that is better than life.

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